Star writing paper
Which Of The Following Topics Would Best Lend Itself To A Description Essay?
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Fundamentals of Strategic Planning in Complex Organizations Essay - 1
Essentials of Strategic Planning in Complex Organizations - Essay Example One of the vital patterns saw in the human services condition is the tireless offered to make medicinal services benefits progressively reasonable, and in this manner improve all inclusive inclusion. This pattern is predictable with the social, financial, and political objective of improving the social government assistance of the burdened populace. Another vital pattern identifies with expanded number of open and private human services administrators. The thought process is to actualize vital plans that make it workable for social insurance associations to take their administrations closer to the individuals. Well beyond this, guideline of medicinal services associations, social insurance lenders, and all other important gatherings required by the administration comprise a basic vital pattern in human services markets (Harrison, 2010). This move is substantial as in the end-client or the customer stays shielded from abuse as the human services condition develops and grows. While human services associations have rushed to recognize developing open doors in the wellbeing segment, a large portion of them don't use their maximum capacity. At the end of the day, operational wastefulness has not been completely represented. Human services associations need to concentrate on present moment and long haul vital plans as they assess their exhibition every now and then. This would assist them with adjusting their activities so that takes into consideration change, without fundamentally expanding operational
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The U.S. Marines and the 19th Century :: Marine Corps War Essays
The U.S. Marines and the nineteenth Century In the start of the 21st Century the U.S. Marine Corps remains at a quality of roughly 200,000 work force. The Marines are additionally furnished with tanks, helicopters, fixed wing airplane and particular boats, kept an eye on by the U.S. Naval force, to ship them to different goals. These numbers comprise a bigger power than the whole military of numerous nations and the U.S. Marine Corps is viewed as the lesser help of the U.S. military. The Defense Act of 1947 ensured the proceeding with presence of the Marine Corps as law. This occurred in the twentieth century. During the nineteenth century the Marines not just battled the adversaries of this nation, remote and household, yet needed to battle for their very presence. â€Å"In 1806 Marine Corps registers indicated a paid quality of just eleven officials and 307 noncommissioned officials and enrolled men. Its principle obligations adrift centered around guarding against revolts on U.S. Naval force ships. In battle, marines terminated their guns at foe ships’ officials and group during fight, shaped contingents to board foe ships or assault adversary shore establishments, and repulsed foe visitors. On shore, marines protected U.S. Naval force yards in a few American cities.†(With Fidelity and Effectiveness: Archibald Henderson’s Lasting Legacy to the U.S. Marine Corps, Joseph Dawson, p. 271) The mid nineteenth century considered the To be States as a little agrarian culture attempting to fabricate a brought together nation. After the Revolution the Army, Navy and Marines were disbanded as they were accepted to be not required. Nobody intended to do battle with anybody and any conceivable land struggle could be taken care of by the different state volunteer armies. This changed with the flood of theft by the French and a couple of North African Arab realms, ordinarily called the Barbary privateers. The United States had a flourishing commercial marine that gladly cruised over the world to discover new markets. This made them impeccable targets. John Adams, the second president, reconstituted the Navy and with that the Marines. New ships were assembled and mariners and Marines were enrolled to man them. They battled against privateers in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. This had the un-expected impact of setting them up for the second war with Great Britain from 1812 to 1814.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Cola and Politics
Cola and Politics “There is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard’s vote.†â€"David Foster Wallace Another big election is peeking its gigantic, mass-mediated noggin around the corner. It’s almost here, and if we rely solely on the U.S. media for our info we might believe we have only two choices: Democrat or Republican. Believing there are only two voting options is like assuming we have only two beverage choices: Coke or Pepsi. You might prefer the taste of one over the other, but they’re essentially the same: it’s a faux-choice, and thus not much of a choice at all. The truth is we have myriad optionsâ€"not just Coke or Pepsi, not just Democrat or Republican. We can choose to live more consciously, realizing and understanding our options. Instead of cola, we can drink water or green drinks; instead of the dominant political parties, we can vote Libertarian or Green Party (or write in Ryan Nicodemus). Irrespective of our choice, we can ignore what we’re “supposed†to do and, instead, follow our hearts. Some people might argue you’re throwing away your vote, but if you follow your heart, it’s never in vainâ€"even when you know you’re going to lose. That goes for relationships, health, politics, or any other area of lifeâ€"if you follow your heart, you can lose only once; if you don’t follow your heart, you may lose a thousand times, a trail of scattered regrets strewn throughout the landscape in the rearview. We have no interest in propagating our own political ideologies here; rather, we want to encourage you to be true to yourself. Drink your cola and vote the party line if that’s what your heart tells you to do; if it doesn’t, there are always other options. Read this essay and 150 others in our new book, Essential.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Involvement Of A Mental Illness Essay - 1821 Words
APRN Involvement in Give an Hour Mental illness is an epidemic that plagues the United States. In 2014, it was estimated that one in five adults, or 43.8 million individuals, are diagnosed with a mental illness each year (NIMH, 2014). Among military veterans and the active duty population, the prevalence is even higher. According to one study conducted in 2014, nearly 25% of an active-duty, non-deployed Army population of 5,500 screened positive for a mental disorder of some kind, while 11% of those same individuals also tested positive for more than one mental illness (Willingham, 2014). There are several prominent non-profit organizations that selflessly dedicate their efforts toward diminishing these staggering statistics. The most notable of these associations could arguably be Give an Hour (GAH). GAH functions on the expertise and kindness of volunteer licensed mental health professionals who provide complimentary and confidential care to veterans, service members and their families. GAH offers an excellent opp ortunity for Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners (APRN), specifically, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP), to offer assistance to a population who is clearly suffering from the pestilence of mental illness. Significance of Mental Illness in the Military Research trends indicates that there are three primary mental illnesses that affect the military population: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).Show MoreRelatedFamily Support : The Treatment Of Mental Disorders874 Words  | 4 Pageselement in the treatment of mental disorders. Family member can be an important source for information, support, and guidance. Many cases of mental disorders are not diagnosed and untreated due to lack of knowledge and negative attitudes toward mental illness. When mental health patients vulnerable their family may be the best option for basic care. Other options may be group home of mental institution. In some cases the family may take on the financial needs of mental health patients. This is dueRead MoreA Disconnect Between Mainstream Medicine And The Psycences1690 Words  | 7 Pagessociety that these circumstances are all to blame for the â€Å"rise in insanity†(Savelli, 2017). In most We stern societies, the deinstitutionalization process within mental health has been in progress for several decades (Karlsson, Markstrà ¶m, 2012, p. 289). The Twentieth century saw a growth in the size and importance of disciplines related to mental and emotional health (Savelli, 2017). 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Looking Glass Of One s Self - 884 Words
Looking-Glass of One’s Self As a result, society has devalued heterosexual males and homosexual males that don’t fit into the construction of gender that society deems appropriate or inappropriate masculine behaviors (Epstein, D., 1998). In particular, within society heterosexual males are ridiculed for choosing a position that is a non-traditional profession (Evans, J., Frank, B., 2003). For instance, nursing traditionally is a female profession but heterosexual men are being ridiculed for obtaining a position as a nurse. Taylor, Dwiggins, Albert, and Dearner (1983) states, from society s perceived conception of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, male nurses continue to question their own masculinity which they expressed of not equaling up to other men. Under those circumstances, heterosexual men feel the need to reinforce their masculinity (Villeneuve, 1994). Research examined males behaviors when they felt their masculinity was being challenged males would draw more attention to them and dis play aggressive like qualities (Villeneuve, 1994). In like manner, homosexual males also deal with ridicule from society because they don’t fit into the traditional gender identity of a man that society has deem as appropriate of masculine behavior. In society, homosexual males are sexually and physically attracted to the same sex which is a male. Traditionally, many heterosexual men feel as though men should not be with the same sex (Morin, S.F. and Garfinkle, E.M.,Show MoreRelatedSocialization Is The Process By Which Someone Is Becomes Human1033 Words  | 5 Pageswhere people acquire essential behaviors to adequately participate in society. People become â€Å"human†, there are no in-bred or innate instincts to guide development. Sociological concepts in this field include, ferals and isolates, marasmus, Looking Glass Self, Game and Play Stages as well as the dramaturgical approach. These theories have contributed to the foundations of socialization. George Herbert Mead developed the â€Å"Game and Play Stages†theory, according to Mead, children pass through threeRead MoreThe Looking Glass Self863 Words  | 4 PagesLooking Glass Self Reflection Activity 10/10 Good observation!!! What is acceptable in one group is not always acceptable in another. Therefore, you change your appearance based on what you what others to think about you. The others’ perceived judgment about your style makes you change your style depending upon the group. Directions: Answer the Pre-Reading questions using Chapter 5 Section 2 Guided Reading Notes. When finished, read the article The Looking Glass Self: Who Holds Our ReflectionsRead MoreAlice s Journey Through Looking Glass World1415 Words  | 6 Pagesstructure. Lewis Carroll, a popular authà ¾r of the time, Through the looking Glass, which serves to help readers understand children. Children in the era were previously considered unimportant and empty-headed, but Carroll shows, through Alice’s interactions with various characters, how one could be much more intelligent and mature than adults of the time had thought. Carroll uses Alice to persuade readers that, if given the chance, children s had a lot to offer. Specifically, he uses a plethora of caricaturesRead MoreSocial Construction And Disability Models1579 Words  | 7 Pages Social Construction and Disability Models Social construction is a meaning created by the things that are around us. The idea of social construction is based on the fact that disability is constructed by localized social expectations. At one point in time, disability was seen as a punishment or moral failing until an enlightenment occurred and society changed its definition of disability. The construction of disability is linked to how time progresses. For example, if a time is set, you do not haveRead MoreHarvest Video Response Core Values1288 Words  | 6 Pageswork, and the urge to try and finish schooling. Zulema, one of the young girls in the video helps her mom pick crops to help raise money for her family. She is only 13 years of age but uses one of her mom s friend’s names to log the number of crops she gathers because she is too young. Victor another young migrant worker of the age of 15 works hard in the field and in the classroom. The issue is the very education system is almost looking down upon migrant workers. They limit their dreams and donRead MoreCharles Horton Cooley s Concept Of The Looking Glass Self870 Words  | 4 Pages1902, Charles Horton Cooley fashioned the concept of the looking-glass ‘self,’ this concept was researched to learn how identity is shaped. The authors concluded that people shape their identity based on the perception of how they think others view them. Three ideas comprise the looking-glass ‘self’: First, we see in our mind’s eye how we appear to others, second we imagine their judgment of how we appear to them, and third we develop our ‘self’ (our own identity) receiving the judgments from othersRead MoreAnalysis Of Donald J. Trump s Looking Glass Self 1370 Words  | 6 Pagesreexamined the sociological aspects in Tremonti’s CBC session with David Cay Johnston. Johnston’s stance is that Trump is a no-good manager, and that he will not be a good president. Charles Horton Cooley’s â€Å"Looking Glass Self,†explains how Trump became the man he is today. Lastly, Trump’s extreme self-regard creates untrustworthy relations, which will be fatal for America’s businesses and trades. 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Tom whom, althoughRead MoreThe Looking Glass Self By George Herbert Mead831 Words  | 4 Pages Cooley was one of the first generation American sociologists who taught in the sociology department at the University of Michigan he earned a degree in economics the main approach he studied was somewhat different than what his peers studied he had a humanistic approach. His focus was on the mind he developed a sense of self and opened up discussions about the impact of subject and creativity on society to the rather objective approach to the constitution of society. Cooley saw himself as less ofRead MoreAnalysis Of John Darling I Love You741 Words  | 3 PagesShe pouted her faded ruby lips on the rim of a martini glass. They lounged on barstools, leaning against the polished wood and nursing their drinks in relative silence. Billie Holiday s Don t Explain drifted through the hazy smoke of the speakeasy, dipping around to caress each sorrowed soul. You ll break a girl s heart that way. Marion Don t. Let s just be here. She shifted her crossed legs, smoothing down the red skirt self-consciously. Finishing the dirty martini, Marion smiled
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alternative Health Free Essays
Medical intervention is a continuous quest for health care management. Whether conventional, complementary or alternative medicine, the aim of health care provider is to give relief to pain or to cure illness of their patients temporarily or permanently . Alternative medicine is a practice of medicine that prevents or treats disease or ailments without the use of drugs or undergoing diagnostic procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on Alternative Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now It includes chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, use of medicinal plants, homeopathy, meditation, massage and anything that requires self awareness and belief that the body can heal itself. The use of alternative medicine is fast growing despite the result of many clinical studies showing its side effects and adverse reactions especially when combined with other procedure. It is therefore important that health care seekers should inform their health care provider of their present condition and current treatment to prevent unfavorable interaction of different treatment modality. DISCUSSION The world of medicine faces a continuous challenge on how to uplift the level of health care in the country. There are organizations that spend a lot of money to provide the best drug that can cure certain illness. Several funding companies are searching for the best medication. Clinical trials are continuously conducting studies for the drug development. A variety of medical methods have been accepted by medical practice due to many scientific explanations for their effectiveness and most often than not, these procedures cost a lot of money. However, absence of side effects and adverse reactions is not an assurance. There are also incidents of unsatisfied medical treatment outcome. Medical lawsuits are becoming rampant nowadays resulting to decline in conventional health visits. In accordance, several health care methods are becoming more accepted as a way of battling ailments. These factors add to the popularity of alternative medicine. Although many people in less developed countries have used alternative medicine, it has not proven to cause 100% therapeutic effect. Many medical literatures have been discussing alternative medicine with complementary medicine. It should be remembered that alternative medicine is a practice used in place of conventional medicine while complementary medicine is an alternative medicine with concurrent use of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is medicine practiced by professionals such as Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and other allied health professionals like physical therapist, psychologist and registered nurse. It is also known as Western medicine, orthodox, biomedicine or regular medicine. In a study conducted by Barnes and colleagues (2002), the use of complementary and alternative medicine among adults in United States has been revealed. They collected data from the noninstitutionalized population using a computer-assisted personal interview among adults age 18 and above. They found out that 60% of the adults were using some form of complementary and alternative medicine. The most commonly used therapies were use of prayer for health , natural products, deep breathing exercises, meditation, chiropractic care, yoga , massage , and diet-based therapies. Ernst (2000) revealed in his research the 9% to 65% prevalence of use of complementary/alternative medicine. The given form for treatment was chiropractic in the USA but showed considerable discrepancies. The study suggests that complementary/alternative medicine therapies are frequently used and increasing. â€Å"The true prevalence of use of complementary/alternative medicine in the general population remains uncertain†. Alternative medicine has been practiced from eastern to western part of the world from 2,000-6,000 years of history (Dworkin, 2006). The definition and scope of alternative medicine is so broad that falls into one definition; a practice of medicine which requires self-awareness, treatment or prevention of disease without the use of expensive drugs and need not undergo through the high cost of diagnostic procedures. It includes all healing approaches that do not use the conventional Western medicine. Alternative medicine includes acupuncture, aromatherapy, Ayurveda medicine, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, massage, meditation, naturopathy, therapeutic touch and Yoga.  How to cite Alternative Health, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Well Known in English free essay sample
Reading Level: 6. 0 Interest Level: 3-6 Genre Historical Fiction Annotation Anna Harebell Clean tells the story behind the music in this flannelled account of the creation of George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue. Every elementary music teacher will want to thank her for creating an interesting exciting resource to use in his or her classrooms. While based on actual events, the author recreates conversations that may have taken place. George Gershwin reads in the paper that e is to perform a new composition at a concert at Aeolian Hall In five weeks. The problem is that he has not started writing it yet! George goes to Harlem to tell his friend Paul Whitman that he cant do It. Paul gives him a pep talk and convinces George that he can compose a concerto in five weeks. Being a musical genius, George tries to compose the concerto but he has no ideas. He listens to the great composers of the past and he tries to improvise, but still, nothing. Finally, on his way to Boston for rehearsals of his new musical, George Is Inspired by the sounds around him.He members the music of his youth and decides to use the music that is already in his head! Sleeker, foxtrot, ragtime and blues are incorporated into his new concerto. Still, George feels that something is still missing. Buddy invites George to join he and Air at a swanky party on Madison Avenue. While at the party, George begins to Improvise on the grand piano. Inspired by the lights of New York City, he creates his missing theme for his concerto. Originally George named the piece, American Rhapsody but his brother Air suggested that It needed more pep and the title was changed to Rhapsody in Blue.The sold out concert takes place on February 12. The audience is bored with the same old fare and they begin to get restless and start to heckle the orchestra. Others begin to leave, Paul rushes George to the stage and the orchestra starts to perform the new concerto. The music stops the fleeing audience in their tracks. I can feel the electricity of the moment in the authors words. I can hear each note as she describes the scene. The accompanying CD is still in Its case In the back of the book. Perhaps it is because I remember this music so well. Or perhaps it is because I am fan of Gershwins music. It has been years since I listened to this concerto, but I can hum the tune and I remembered this from my childhood. I am so glad that it is included Just in case you do not know this American classic. After all this Is why It was created, so that our children will know the music of our great composers. Bookstall Do you have a tune that sticks in your head and you hum it all the time? Some days I hear a song on the radio and it plays over and over again. I have a favorite tune that I would like to share with you today. But before we listen to the music, I want you to know the story behind its creation.George Gershwin was a casual genius that created a lot of music we still sing today. (This is probably where I would break Into a few bars of Celestial Bloomfield Indian Creek Elementary School [emailprotected] Kill 2. In. Us summertime. Or Bess, you Is my woman now. or l got plenty of nothing, nothings plenty for me. Pick your favorite tune to sing. Kids always get a kick out of this! ) The Play the CD. It is almost 14 minutes long so you could Just play a part of it. About the Author QuickTime* and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompress are needed to see this picture.Author Website http://www. Charbroiled. Mom/contribution. CFML? Contrition=26 Our author grew up on a farm in Pleasant Garden, North Carolina. Music and the arts have always played an important part of her life. In high school she played drums in the Jazz band and in the marching band. She also plays the cello. Anna Harebell Clean holds a B. A. In art history from the University of North Carolina, and a MA and a Ph. D. In musicology from Duke University. Anna began writing childrens books in order to make classical music more accessible to young people.A list of her additional books and their awards follow: Bachs Goldberg Variations A Notable Social Studies trade Book The Farewell Symphony Independent Publisher Book Awards Bank Street College of Educations Best Books of the Year The Heroic Symphony Parents Choice Silver Award Winner Anna and her husband Chris live in Baltimore. She is the Stacker Professor in Music and Director of the Music Program at Georgetown University. Publisher Website http://www. Charbroiled. Com/ Celestial Bloomfield Indian Creek Elementary School [emailprotected] Kill 2. In. S Summary Using a true story, the author recreates conversations that may have taken place when George Gershwin created the American classic, Rhapsody in Blue. Gershwin reads in the paper that he is to perform a new composition at a concert at Aeolian Hall in five weeks. The problem is that he has not started writing it yet! George goes to Harlem to tell his friend Paul Whitman that he cant do it. Paul gives him a pep talk and convinces George that he can compose a concerto in five weeks. Being a musical genius, George tries to compose the concerto but he has no ideas. He listens to the great composers of the past and he tries to improvise, but still, nothing. Finally, on his way to Boston for rehearsals of his new musical, George is inspired by he sounds around him. He remembers the music of his youth and decides to use the music that is already in his head! Sleeker, foxtrot, ragtime and blues are incorporated into his new concerto. Still, George feels that something is still missing. Buddy invites George to Join he and Air at a swanky party on Madison Avenue. While at the party, George begins to improvise on the grand piano.Inspired by the lights of New York City, he creates his missing theme for his concerto. Originally George named the piece, American Rhapsody but his brother Air suggested that it needed ore pep and the title was changed to Rhapsody in Blue. The sold out concert takes place on February 12. The audience is bored with the same old fare and they begin to get restless and start to heckle the orchestra. Others begin to leave, Paul rushes George to the stage and the orchestra starts to perform the new concerto. The music 1924 in New York City Theme You never know what you can do until you try to do it. Inspiration comes from all sources.Composers-fiction Conflict George Gershwin needs to compose a new concerto to perform in only five weeks. Conflict Resolution George tries to back out without trying because he needs more time to compose a concerto. His friend encourages him and inspired by sounds and music around him, he creates a masterpiece. Characters George Gershwin- American composer Air Gershwin- brother and partner B. G. BuddY Deserve- friend and lyricist Paul Whitman-friend and orchestra leader [emailprotected] Key. In. Us Discussion Questions What did Paul mean when he asked George, Are you going to sit in with the band? Explain what Paul means when he tells George, Just imagine youre Rachmaninoff and then Jazz it up a little. Who is Rachmaninoff? Have you ever been stumped for a new idea? What kinds of things did you do to stimulate your creativity? What did George do? George remembers the music he listened to as a kid. What kind of music do you listen to and describe it? Why did the audience get restless? How did the audience feel at the end of the show? Anticipation Statements Agree Disagree Talented people dont have to work very hard. Classical music is boring. Inspiration comes from everywhere. Music is everywhere. Jazz is for my parents. Agree Disagree Page 1 a small group of people within a larger group who have more Social standing, lath or talent Concerto 2 an instrumental work that highlights a soloist or group of soloists Composers 2 someone who creates music Gig 3 a musical performance or Job Premiering 4 appearing on stage for the first time Classical 5 serious or intellectual music composed in 18th and 19th century in Europe Vaudeville 7 a satirical popular song performed in cabarets in the 19th and 20th centuries Enthusiasm 8 passionate interest or eagerness to do something Phonograph 8 a record player Improvise 8 to compose without a text to follow Sleeker 11 Bar Mitzvahs 11 the ritual ceremony that arks the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy Syncopated 11 modified musical rhythm that shifts the accent to a weak beat of the bar Foxtrot 12 a ballroom dance Intoxicating 12 capable of making someone intensely excited or overjoyed Kaleidoscope 13 a complex, colorful and shifting pattern or scene Swanky 16 very styli sh Nocturnal 19 occurring at night Heckle 20 to shout remarks or insults at a person giving a performance Celestial Bloomfield Indian Creek Elementary School Vocabulary Elite 22 23 25 suggesting passion great skill or technique shown by a performer an exceptionally good piece of creative workRead Alike Non-fiction books about composers The Life and Times of George Gershwin by Jim Whiting Fictional Stories about composers Bachs Goldberg Variations by Anna Clean The Farewell Symphony by Anna Clean The Heroic Symphony by Anna Clean Pictures at an Exhibition by Anna Clean Read Aloud Pages 1-2 This sets up the premise for the story. Its how George found out he was to perform a new piece in five weeks. Pages 25-28 These pages describe the performance of Rhapsody in Blue. It is electrifying. I cant decide if you should play the music first and then read the book or read the book and then play the music. You decide. Book Activities Book Activity 1 with Across the Curriculum Suggestions Comp osers Research This title makes a great collaboration project. Student groups can complete the research on each of the composers in the media center. They can hear and study the music in music classes.In the art class they can create illustrations to go along with the music and in our Media Tech classes they can use their research to create a Powering, Keynote or movie presentation to show over the air on the school news broadcast. There may be a chance to dance in the combined physical education and music class. This is how I could use this book at my school. I am sure that others could adapt sections that would meet their student populations need. This project can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. Each year our students complete a research project for music. They study composers and their music and they make a presentation during their music class.With a rigid schedule I have been unable to utilize many of our previous successful collaborations and without open periods for research so this unit was dropped. The key to this unit is to keep things going in the order of the class schedules. Students begin the unit in the media center with the sharing of the book. They hear the music in their music class. They are assigned composers to research by the music teacher. Students create their artwork in their art class. They come to the media center the next week and gather information about their composers. They Celestial Bloomfield Indian Creek Elementary School [emailprotected] Kill 2. In. Us will take notes to make sure they have enough information to use in their Media Tech classes.They will use two media tech sessions and two media center sessions to complete their projects. After the projects are completed students will present them in their music class for a grade. Finished projects will be broadcast on the morning news show. This activity could be expanded to include more than American composers so that each student has their individual presentation. Pairing up students or having small groups provides a cooperative environment that allows each child to contribute. Suggested composers are as follows: American Leonard Bernstein Phillip Souse William Grant Still Classical Johann Sebastian Bach Ludwig van Beethoven Johannes Brahms Frederic Chopin Antonio Dobra George Handel JosephHayden Franz List Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sergei Profiles Franz Schubert Robert Schumann Pivot Litchi Tchaikovsky Giuseppe Verdi Antonio Vivaldi Dallas Symphony Kids This website provides a brief biography of composers divided by historical periods. Http://www. Disks. Com/2001 [compromisers. HTML Use the Inspire databases to search for composers. Http://login. Inspire. Net/ Use books from your library media center on individual composers. Book Activity 2 Listening Appreciation Materials: Celestial Bloomfield Indian Creek Elementary School CD of Rhapsody in Blue You could do this as a whole class activity. Students could ark individually if you use this as a center or find a way to have each student listen to the music by going to the Gershwin website so that several students can use this at the same time. Play the concerto with the following directions. Listen for the components of the concerto. Can you hear the train? Do you hear the blues? Can you hear the ragtime? Can you pick out the foxtrot? Can you hear the sleeker influence? Which part of the concerto captures the spirit of Manhattan? What section has the theme? Students need to listen and find the part of the concerto that demonstrate each of the parts discussed in the book. Book Activity 3 Sound Harvesting Materials: Portable tape recorders and microphones Flip Video Cameras Digital Video Cameras Take students on a walking tour of your building. Listen for sounds that could inspire a musical composition.
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